We are a 501(c)(3) public charity. For this, and more information about us, click the About/Contact Us item above.

About the Committee

501(c)(3) Information

The USS Missouri Commissioning Committee is a non-profit, public charity with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Uner this status, any contributions to this organization are tax deductible for the contributor. Any memorabilia purchased or contributions made will be confirmed with a receipt sent to the address provided with the transaction.

501(c)(3) Listing & Address

    c/o Sam Bushman
    236 E. High St.
    Jefferson City, MO 65101

Further 501(c)(3) information requests and all toher questions can be e-mailed to info@ussmissourisubmarine.org.

Committee Members


Mr. Sam Bushman
RADM Stanton Thompson
Mr. Edward Gray
Mr. David Griffith
Mr. Harry Otto
Mr. Duane Schreimann
Mr. Ward Cook
Mr. David Durbin
Mr. Daven Anderson
Mr. Mike Kehoe
Mr. Eugene Bushmann
Mr. Hal Dulle
Mrs. Melody Green
Mr. Ed Irwin
Mr. Landon Rowland
Mr. Bill Cross
Mr. Charles Guthrie
Mr. Bill Feller
Mr. Norman Besheer
Mr. Eugene Feldhausen
Mr. Gordon Beaham
Mr. Emmett Fairfax
Mr. Doyle Wilhite
Mr. Jim Erlinger
Mr. Tom Schmitz
Mr. Tom Fenner
Mr. Andrew Condi
Mr. Jack Jackson
Mr. Michael Kelley
LT Michael Keating
Mr. Michael Liss
Mr. Bill Northrip
Mr. Donald L. Stockton
Mrs. Julie Murphy Finn
Mr. Robert Hagedorn
Mr. Webb Gilmore
Mr. Don Dougherty
Mr. George Bruss -- On Eternal Patrol


Chairman, Western Committee
Media Chair
Legal Counsel
Chairman, Western Committee ADM's Loop
Chairman, Eastern Committee